How to Stop Your Range Rover from Being Stolen: Essential Security Tips

Vehicle theft has long been a blight on many neighbourhoods up and down the country. The latest update from the DVLA shows that in 2022 there were over 58,000 vehicles stolen, an average of 159 per day! Unfortunately for Land Rover owners, the stats do not look good. Of these 58,000 vehicles, just under 10% were Land Rover Range Rovers with 5209 reported as stolen. This puts them just below the Ford Fiesta as the most stolen vehicle on UK roads. The bad news for owners of premium SUVs doesn’t end there though. Owners of the Land Rover Discovery have the 5th most sought-after vehicle for thieves with just under 2000 stolen in 2022.

Even more worrying is that theft of Land Rover and Range Rover vehicles looks like increasing. Theft of Land Rover Range Rover shot up by 39% in 2022 when compared to 2021. How do we help combat this though? How can we stop our luxurious vehicles from being targeted and stolen by unscrupulous criminals?

As a Land Rover specialist, we are fully aware of how much your Land Rover or Range Rover means to you. They mean the same to us! So, to hear of them being stolen as frequently as they are is shocking. In this weeks, blog, we look at how you can help prevent the theft of your vehicle.

Why are so many Range Rovers being stolen?

As we mentioned earlier, vehicles falling under the Land Rover, and Range Rover umbrella are being targeted by thieves more than ever before. With the number of thefts rising, owners are having to be more aware than ever about how best to prevent their vehicles from being stolen. Why are they targeted so much though?

There are a variety of reasons but one that is proving to be more evident than before is the want for parts as well as the whole vehicle. Criminals operating on behalf of gangs and other criminal organisations are trying to fill a demand from Eastern Europe and Africa for these high-value vehicles. They are more or less, being stolen to order. In many cases, the Range Rover is stripped down with high-tech parts and then shipped abroad, the rest of the vehicle either then getting destroyed or sent abroad with the various parts that will garner huge sums of cash.

How to stop your Land Rover from being stolen

With the fantastic tech exhibited across a huge selection of Land Rover models, they can very easily become a target for criminals. Factor in the stunning look of the vehicle, as well as its capabilities, and a successful thief, can end up with a high-quality vehicle very easily. Luckily there are some relatively simple preventative measures you can put in place to make sure your vehicle stays with you and doesn’t fall into the hands of criminals.

Install a Land Rover tracking device

To some, this may sound very simple, but you would be surprised by how many owners of Land Rovers and Range Rovers bypass this essential piece of kit. With the value of these vehicles being near the higher end of the standard pricing, they provide a perfect opportunity for a thief. A GPS tracker installed into your Land Rover will mean your vehicle is monitored 24/7 and should any attempt be made to steal it, an alert will be sent to the police. This narrows the window of time the thieves have to operate and could potentially have them caught in the act. Even if they aren’t, thanks to GPS technology, the location of your vehicle will be found very quickly. With Land Rover, you can benefit from Secure Tracker but always ask at the time of purchasing your vehicle as it does not come as standard with all models.

Purchase a steering lock

To some, a steering lock may sound a little old school but they severely impact a thief’s opportunity to successfully steal your Land Rover. Whilst tech can be hacked and systems compromised, a sturdy steering lock will only be able to be removed with severe force and tools. This then results in a lot of noise which will likely not only deter the thief but also alert passers-by as well as yourself.

Erect driveway security bollards

Adding some of these security bollards certainly hinders the progress of anyone attempting to steal your Range Rover. Positioned to enable little or no room for the vehicle to manoeuvre, a thief will find that there is not much point trying to take your vehicle when they cannot get it off the driveway at all.

Invest in a ghost immobiliser

A car fitted with a ghost immobiliser cannot be stolen, making it perhaps one of, if not, the key tool against theft of your Land Rover. Even if a thief managed to gain access to your vehicle, they would not be able to start the engine and drive away. Using technology that prevents key cloning signal jamming and more, it goes into the vehicle and is near impossible to locate by the thief.  The potential downside is that some insurers may not offer insurance when ghost immobilisers have been fitted and in some cases, warranties can be voided so always check your manual or ask the dealership. This though is a key weapon in the fight against car crime.

RFID key wallets can stop hackers

Hacking the system of your Land Rover can be the way thieves access your vehicle and quite often an easy way to do this is via the keys. Using repeaters, the criminal can gain access to your key from distance and unlock your vehicle, all that is then needed is for them to simply climb in and drive away. By keeping your key in an RFID wallet, hackers can’t interfere with your keys to gain access to your car.

Install security lighting and video doorbells

Many of us have this set up outside our homes and in some cases, they can act as a great preventative. Ensure your video doorbell is set up to become active when movement is detected and that your security lighting becomes active at the right distance. In addition, make sure your bulbs are bright enough to help you get a better view should you witness the crime taking place.


We want you to enjoy your Range Rover for many years and you can do this by following our key security tips mentioned above. In addition, you will always want to keep your vehicle safe and roadworthy. That is where RCV come in. for over 30 years, our knowledgeable team of experts have been diligently carrying out Land Rover servicing, tyre alignments and Range Rover MOTs for the people of Kent and the surrounding areas.  With our reputation spreading far and wide we are also pleased to be among the best London independent Land Rover specialists too!

With only original equipment manufacturer parts or approved genuine parts used, we make sure your vehicle is as perfect as possible the moment it leaves our hands. Need a Range Rover service or simply some helpful advice? Get in touch with the RCV team today and let us help you stay on the road and keep your SUV at its best.