Understanding Land Rover Wheel Alignment and Wheel Balancing: Why it Matters


If you’ve read our recent blog, you may have seen us reference wheel balance and wheel alignment being a cause of a shaking Land Rover steering wheel. We explained how these faults can cause issues with your suspension and cause variable wear to your tyres, which if untreated, could develop from causing a shaking steering

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Why is My Steering Wheel Shaking? Common Causes of Land Rover Steering Wheel Shaking Explained


Land Rovers are known for being vehicles of some grandeur. Seen as a luxury vehicle by many and a valued off-road 4×4 by others, a Land Rover is a signal of engineering excellence, history, and prestige. Sometimes though, problems, like with any other vehicle, may occur. One often reported by motorists and certainly not exclusive

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Range Rover Petrol or Diesel? Making the Right Choice


We all want to drive the most cost-efficient and reliable vehicle possible. And if it provides environmental benefits, then it’s all the better! One factor that often becomes a determining one in vehicle choice is the fuel type. Should it be petrol, or should it be diesel? Both offer drivers benefits, yet both also have

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Which Driving Technique Can Help You Save Fuel in Your Land Rover?


Fuel prices are a concern for every driver. With them fluctuating so often, a fill of the tank can cost considerably different amounts from week to week. This will frequently see drivers looking at ways to conserve the fuel they have and save on added trips to the petrol station. We often look at the

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Land Rover Test Drive: How to Get the Best from Your Test


You’ve finally found the Land Rover of your dreams. It’s affordable, comes with all the features you want, your kids love the colour, it’s even got room for the dog. How does it drive though? Once you get in that driver’s seat, is the Land Rover going to live up to your expectations?  Or, maybe

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What Does the Land Rover Ingenium Engine Bring to Your Vehicle?


Land Rover has always been a brand synonymous with innovation, quality, and pleasing aesthetics. Add in the powerful capability of the engine, the all-encompassing safety features and the trusted reliability and you are often hard pushed to find a better British marque. One of the more recent – and by recent we mean around ten

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What is the Land Rover Terrain Response System and How Does it Work?


Driving a Land Rover off-road is one of the most exciting and pleasurable motoring experiences you can have. Exploring hidden gems, tackling tricking terrain and testing both you and the vehicle, it provides an element to your driving experience that regular road driving doesn’t. Occasionally though, the terrain proves a little tough and you need

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Is GAP Insurance Worth it for Land Rover Drivers?


Protecting yourself from extortionate charges is something you will no doubt always investigate upon making a substantial new purchase. Whether it be a new vehicle, a new house, or even a holiday, adding insurance can help you avoid costly fees that may break the bank! One often proposed to Land Rover owners is GAP insurance.

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What is Land Rover Pivi Pro?


When you buy a Land Rover, you not only invest in a premium vehicle to get you around, but you invest in innovative technology that helps make that journey a little easier, a little safer, and, perhaps even a little more fun. Over the years, Land Rover has continually evolved both the interior and exterior

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Range Rover Air Suspension: All You Need to Know


Range Rover has always been seen as a marque of distinction among the many we see on our roads. Stunning design, high-tech interiors, rugged, yet smooth exteriors and a reputation for quality means that for many, a Range Rover stands out as the dream vehicle of choice. Never a brand to shy away from innovation,

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